This Memorial weekend was all about making significant progress on the house. Blending hard work with moments of hospitality and remembrance. We tackled a challenging weekend drywall project on the third floor and welcomed familiar faces for a catch-up.
Getting Started with the Drywall Lift
Our weekend kicked off with a trip to Ace Hardware where I rented a drywall lift for $25. Once home, the kids helped haul it to the third floor, setting the stage for a busy Saturday. The race against time began to get the ceiling drywalled before the lift needed to be returned.
A Race Against the Clock
Saturday was a marathon session of measuring, cutting, and mounting drywall. The old lowered ceilings had only been drywalled to their starting point. Which left us with a significant gap to cover to reach the new 10-foot ceiling height. It required six full sheets of drywall—exactly what we had purchased, much to my initial miscalculation that we’d have extra. By sheer luck and hard work, we finished the job with an hour to spare.

Workflow and Challenges With The Weekend Drywall Project
The work spilled over into Sunday and Monday, but we found our rhythm. Each time we needed a new sheet, I’d shout, “More Drywall!” and the twins would bring in the next one. The next steps will involve meticulously inspecting every inch for screws that aren’t flush, applying hot mud to any holes or gaps, and then moving on to taping, sanding, and painting. While the room is far from done, it’s going to be a spare room, so there’s no rush—just lots of learning for future projects in other parts of the Airbnb.

Entertaining Guests and Celebrating Memorial Day
In the midst of our construction chaos, we took time to entertain a former guest and give a tour to a new visitor, showcasing the ongoing changes in our home. The weekend nearly got away from me, as I almost forgot to lower the flag for Memorial Day. Thankfully, I remembered just in time.
On the holiday itself, our twins cooked up a feast of hamburgers and hot dogs with all the trimmings—a meal that truly looked fit for a king.
A Pro Tip and a Little Mishap
Here’s a pro tip from the trenches of DIY: drywall screws get extremely hot when driven in. I learned this the hard way by accidentally branding my index finger with a Phillips screw head—definitely a memorable (and painful) part of the weekend!
This Memorial weekend was a testament to our family’s dedication to improving our home, a blend of hard work and moments of light-heartedness. With each sheet of drywall, we’re not just building walls; we’re creating memories and learning valuable lessons for our next big projects. Stay tuned as we continue transforming our space, one renovation at a time.