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Home » Day 2 of Streaming Server Migration, Projector Testing, and More Upgrades

Day 2 of Streaming Server Migration, Projector Testing, and More Upgrades

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Day 2 of Streaming Server Migration: Progress and Challenges

We’re now on day two of using a dedicated streaming computer, and while there are definitely some growing pains, I think it’s going to be a big improvement once everything is fully set up.

Off-stream, we tested out the projector, and it’s going to be perfect for chat visibility when we stream from other rooms. However, it’s not ideal for the streaming room since it’s too bright in here right now. Another issue is the tripod stability—the one I have isn’t sturdy enough, so that’s something else to upgrade soon.

Streaming Server Migration Continues Tonight

Tonight, we’ll be working more on the stream setup, getting additional cameras up and running, and fine-tuning the new streaming server migration process. There’s still a lot left to do, but progress is being made.

We’ll also be testing out Casterlabs multi-chat to see how it handles across platforms. Plus, it’s Rusty’s med time, so that’s on the list too. Between all that and the usual stream chaos, it might be more mayhem than I’m ready for.

Lasagna, Cozy Vibes, and Staying Warm

On the bright side, lasagna is on the menu tonight—woot! Nothing better than a warm meal while we try to stay cozy in the streaming room.

Come hang out and join us for the fun!

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