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Quitting Smoking Progress, Crazy Weather, and Vet Visit Plans

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Quitting Smoking Progress and Small Wins

It’s Monday, which means back to work, but I’m feeling a little proud of myself. Despite a setback with smoking over the weekend, I managed to not smoke at all while at work today.

Right now, my plan is to take a few puffs in the morning, then wait until I get home. I’m hoping this will help ween my body off nicotine gradually instead of stopping too fast. If I can keep this up for a bit, I’ll be one step closer to quitting smoking completely.

Crazy Weather and Roof Leaks

The weather is nuts right now. Last week, we were below zero, and now it’s 40 degrees and everything is melting fast.

With the sudden warm-up, we’ve had a few roof leaks in the house. I think it’s due to the unprecedented ice dams that formed everywhere. Unfortunately, I won’t get a chance to inspect the damage until everything fully melts.

We also have huge icicles hanging off the house, and I’m not going anywhere near them until they fall off on their own. No need to get crushed by falling ice!

Streaming Updates and StreamerBot Fixes

Since discovering an issue with StreamerBot, I decided to take the TV offline until they get it fixed. No worries—there’s still plenty of other things I can work on. I’m keeping an eye on my support ticket, so I’ll know as soon as it’s resolved.

Tomorrow’s Vet Visit Plans

Tomorrow is vet day, and we’re still taking Sasha along with one other pup. With the wild temperature swings, Rusty’s attitude has been rough lately. If he doesn’t settle down, we’ll leave him home and take Little Man instead.

That doesn’t mean Rusty is missing out—I’ll still take him for a ride, just somewhere closer to home.

Looking forward to getting through the week and seeing how everything unfolds!

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