Clarkson Integrator., December 06, 1947 - Social Highlights

From 30 Elm St Potsdam NY
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Social Highlights

Lambda Notes

Returning to the Big White House after days of feasting and stuffing, the Owl's Nest finds that its members don't hoot enough according to Newsweek.

Brethren journeyed far and wide throughout the state, ranging from daiquivies at Mueller's Bakery (ask Taylor and Wright—who, imagine, got tied up with PSTCers in Rochester) to Laddin's on the Boston Post Road in Stamfead. Here a miniature houseparty was, staged by Topliffe, Nelli. (I've got the shakes from Tim liffe's driving) Kennedy, FHus and Delmerico.

What caused Al Baehre to re- turn to school so early? Was he anxious to get "bonged" again at hearts? And why is Jack Ziegloi no longer living' in the house?,—A woman no doubt! Who was "Lester the lover" dating in Potsdam while the boys were away? And who drank the 48 cans of beer, Heyrich?

The Lambda House is proud to announce that it finally has u, eternal triangle—L.B., B. M. and B.J.—with, of course our boy McCartney in the middle (for a change he isn't hanging on the edge). We also hear that the above mentioned brother tried to remodel 30 Elm Street, and alone, too, during his bout with Bnndoes to see who could forget the mor.u the quickest.

In closing let us say a kind word for our castiron constitutions, the Frigidaire boys of the dorm— Boulet, Fenwick, McGuth, McCartney, ELVE, Wizard, Irvine and Booper—may they sleep in snow!!
