Clarkson Integrator., October 03, 1953 - Fraternity News
Fraternity News
O PI O NEWS: The social sea- son was officially initiated by 0 Pi O's first \vie\ party of the year preceeded by an informal ga- thering of members and their dates at Postwood Park. Approxi- mately 40 couples attended the party . . . An exchange dinner will take place on Sunday, Oct. 4, be- tween Clio and 0 Pi O. After din- ner entertainment will be provided by Clionians at their home on Le- roy Street ... It has been noticed that \Harmless\ is eagerly await- ing this event . . . The past week has found the pledges under the direction of Joe Stay, quite busy on their pledge projects of redec- orating the house. The back dorm will also be renovated due to slight fire damage suffered last May . . . A Physics prof from a neighbor- ing college has been a frequent visitor to the Market Street mans- ion .. . Who could it be? ? ? . . . Plans for our 50th anniversary are just about complete . . . Glad to see Brothers Osterer and Van Vleet this past weekend.
THETA CHI NEWS: In the Softball playoff, our man Herb Johnson pitched a not hitter to win against Sig 2-0. Some old friends dropped up over the weekend, namely Wayne Adams and Lowell Smith . . . The house is gaining new color by the process of paint- ing. Right now it has that nice Potsdam autumn color . . . Our football team gained its first vic- tory over Omega Epsilon. Bob Burns seems to be receiving plenty of mail from Syracuse U. lately. . . Those coffee dates are getting more and more steady for Herb Johnson. His car has been seen quite often around the Alpha house too . . . Fred Michaelsen seems to be giving his car a big work out. We wonder when it will rest.
LAMBDA NEWS: It was early Friday morning, Chris had just re- turned from his usual Potsdam beat—we were surprised because he hasn't been seen around the sta- tion very much lately . . . Two men were seen climbing the fire escape ladder. They were later identified as having the initials of Jim and Whitey, Suddenly we were shak- en by the shouts of \fire\ and \I'll help you Woody\. The dorm was in an uproar. Nothing unusual . . . We were reassured of this as the beautiful tones of our chief, the President, resounded from wall to wall . . . Two days later, the Sta- tion received word of the arrival in Potsdam of two suspicious charac- ters by the aliases of Emery Paul and Dick Stys . . . We rushed to 30 Elm Street as reports of a suicide were received as the final score of the first World Series game was announced. Sincere condolences to Don Allan . . . The White House on Elm Street is under scrutiny as ft appears the house is trying to be disguised as a barber shop . . . Special guards are being sent to Lambda house Friday night, vie parties are starting again.
SIG NEWS: The first party of the new season left the house in a turmoil. Loud voices could be heard up t o the last minute direct- ing the placing of a sign on this wall or a streamer in that wide space on the ceiling. The pledges worked like beavers to make their party a memory that will not soon be forgotten.
Due to circumstances that were beyond the control of the ones in- volved, the coke machine had an unusual run last Saturday night. It seems that Dick, Tom and Jack were the mainstays of the buying spree. How come boys? . . . Whe- ther Merritt Hall knows it or not, they have an excellent publicity agent at the Sig house. He has made it a point to remind every one of the members of the open house this Sunday. You young la- dies are fortunate to obtain the services of one so competent as Don. He's sure striving to make the Open House a success ... It looks as if a wish is going to be- come a reality. The purchase of a new mascot, an eight month old boxer, to replace Spud was decided on at the last meeting. Brother Manz, who promoted the deal by making the acquisition more of a gift acceptance than a purchase, will bring it back with him after Thanksgiving . . . Congratulations to the football team for winning the opener against Neutral 27-0. Behind a fine forward offensive line Don Springer and Bill Hughes ran with devestating effect, and Bob Manz passed with his usual accuracy . . . Roses to a fine Theta Chi team and their pitcher Herb Johnson, who won a close one against Sig on the softball field.
KARMA NEWS: Did you find your name all right, Argo. We're a little late in getting around to this, but congratulations go to Bob Traver who became a proud poppa over the summer . . . The house looked a little like last year with Cato Norton, Eddie Johns, and Joe Piano wandering around the past couple of weeks ... A certain house managei-, not mentioning any names, needs a lesson in pick- ing out lamp shades for a certain fraternity living room. Don't you agree, George? ... We had an un- expected guest for dinner last Sat- urday. Kitlos' one and only was in town for the weekend and she stopped in and said hello . . . While on this subject of the female sex, Joe Loftus was in high spirits this weekend also. How is that certain third grade teacher Joe . . . Talk about spirits (alcohol spirits that is) Og was a little high after TGIF last Friday and the word has it that he fell into some water by mistake . . . Hey Sharpie ' what's this about you making little voy- ages to Canton lately ? ? ? Foo Lyng wants to know why Hanch- ette has been going home the past couple of weeks. Will someone explain it to Lyng ? . . . Our foot- ball team started working out this past week. Coach Jones says \all I need now is a football.\ . . . We have a nice shiny red bar stool for our bar—courtesy of two Kats in a convertible . . . Say Mert, by any chance are you getting thinner in places. . . . Cheer up Denny, Hell week will be over within 15 days . . . Tomorrow night the Kats fav- orite horseshoe bar will be turned into the big top as the circus comes to 20 Pleasant St. This being the first party of the year everyone is looking forward to the tapping of that first keg. . . Thanks go to John MacAleese for the donation of one piano. The only quiet place that Bob Millar can find is in his slide rule case.
OMEGA EPSILON NEWS: The boys came back with the same old spirit and got ready to work on the plans for this year. Everyone wel- comed the announcement by Dean Price of the recognition of the fra- ternity. After much deliberation Nat Bambrace and Wm. Spring- field were chosen as IFC represen- tatives. . . . N. Siegel enjoyed the summer shooting birds in Colora- do, while J. Madiedo spent it stu- dying the Indian maidens of Ari- zona and traveling around the U. S. in his \beautiful\ soundless au- tomobile . . . Congratulations to Sawyer, Bernal ,Kicherer, Spring- field, R. Jones, Owen, Aievalo who made Dean's list last year. Keep it up, boys! . . . We are wondering who looked after Woomer's girl friends while he was at Schenecta- dy for G.E. . . . Congratulations are in order to J. Sawyer for get- ting the plans set for the sharp grey and blue jackets, which will be around the campus very soon. . . . After the Clarkson - SUTCP weekend it looks like N. Kicherer is more interested in red-heads and beverages than in the books . . .