Clarkson Integrator., September 22, 1981 - Fraternity Spotlight

From 30 Elm St Potsdam NY
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by Robb Lossy

Concerts, parties, Greek Olympics, chariot races, and much more—this is Greek Week, the annual Greek extravaganza when all the fraternities party together with you. Exact times to be announced soon:, get psyched!

Feature House: Delta Upsilon

You might ask,' 'What is a fraternity?.\ There probably are as many answers to this question as there are fraternities. Delta Upsilon is a brotherhood of men which actively participates in all aspects of campus life including academics, extracurricular activities, sports, social affairs, and interfraternity events. As commented by students, faculty, and townspeople, our house, prominently located at 30 Elm Street, is one of the more distinguished and unique in the town.

Our fraternity, which is the third oldest at Clarkson, was founded as the local fraternity Lambda Iota. In 1961, Lambda Iota was in- stalled as Delta Upsilon Inter- national Fraternity's 82nd chapter. There are 104 chapters across the US and Canada.

The brothers of Delta Upsilon are active in several extracurricular activities on campus. These include Phalanx, academic honoraries, College Dennis Union Board, student government, professional societies, varsity sports, various clubs, the resident advisor staff, and WTSC. Because of our efforts during Clarkson's annual Ice Carnival, we have placed among the top ranks in overall competition for the past 6 years.

DU has always participated actively in all interfraternal events such as Greek Weekend, the MS Dance Marathon, and interfraternity sports. Last year, we made it to the playoffs in football, basketball, hockey, softball, and took the championship in soccer.

The brotherhood's active involvement in extracurricular affairs has not detracted from the importance of scholarship in the life of a DU. Our frater- nity consistently places high in the ranks of highest current and cumulative GPA of all fraternities. Last semester we placed highest scholastically among all fraternities.

As a social fraternity, Delta Upsilon promotes various social functions and activities which enhance the college life of our brothers. Fall and Spring Weekends, sorority functions, DU Christmas parties, open houses, beer blasts, and other special events are all prime, examples. The annual DU Charity Hockey Game is one of our contributions to the com- munity benefiting the Potsdam Volunteer Fire Department.

Stop by DU and see not only what our fraternity can do for you, but what you can offer us!
