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Exciting Developments in Our Historic Tower Restoration!

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We’re thrilled to announce significant progress in the restoration of the third floor of our historic tower, a project that’s been in the making for over two winters. This journey of discovery and renovation has been both challenging and rewarding, and we are eager to share the details with our guests and followers.

Unveiling Hidden Beauties

The adventure began when we first decided to peek above the lowered ceilings that had long obscured the upper reaches of our tower. To our astonishment, we uncovered a stunning architectural beauty, hidden without known reason. Over time, we shared this secret splendor with many of our guests, but it was clear that a permanent enhancement was overdue.

The Challenge of Restoration of the Tower

Embarking on the renovation, our initial task was to dismantle the old, oppressive ceilings. This proved to be a Herculean task laden with surprises: layers of accumulated dirt, deceased insects, and assorted debris. As we delved deeper, the structural inadequacies became apparent. The drywall was inconsistently nailed, with numerous gaps and holes that marred its surface. Additionally, we noticed that the trim, which had once elegantly concealed these discrepancies, was missing. Resolute in our commitment to authenticity, we decided to replace and restore the trim to its original condition.

Conquering Heights

To tackle the heights of the tower, we invested in a 17-foot ladder. However, it quickly became evident that the ladder fell short—literally—reaching only halfway up the tower. Facing my own reservations about heights, the task of installing the trim became not just a physical challenge but a mental one as well. Despite these hurdles, we successfully mounted the first row of trim. Tonight, I installed the vertical pieces, which are temporarily secured at the base. This weekend, I’m gearing up to brave the heights again to install and secure the top row of trim.

Looking Ahead: The Painting The Tower Dilemma

The question of how to paint the towering walls still looms large. With a touch of humor, we often laugh about this at the end of a long day’s work. It’s a daunting task that we’re still strategizing, but the transformation we’ve seen so far fuels our determination.

Stay Connected

This restoration is more than just a construction project; it’s a labor of love and a piece of history coming back to life. We invite you to stay connected via our website and social media as we share updates, tackle challenges, and celebrate milestones. Your support and interest mean the world to us as we continue to bring the tower back to its former glory and beyond.